Frequently asked questions

Here are few of the most commonly asked questions our customers asquired in the
process traveling and finding the perfect place for their car.

  1. How to extend my reservation?

    Parking space in a centrally located spot only minutes from Old Street station. Spaces moments away from all the restaurants and entertainment that Shoreditch has to offer. The spaces are available 24/7 and users can arrive at any time within their booking period.

  2. What is the process of taking my vehicle?

    Parking space in a centrally located spot only minutes from Old Street station. Spaces moments away from all the restaurants and entertainment that Shoreditch has to offer. The spaces are available 24/7 and users can arrive at any time within their booking period.

  3. Someone damaged my car during the stay. What to do?

    Parking space in a centrally located spot only minutes from Old Street station. Spaces moments away from all the restaurants and entertainment that Shoreditch has to offer. The spaces are available 24/7 and users can arrive at any time within their booking period.

  4. How to cancel a reservation?

    Parking space in a centrally located spot only minutes from Old Street station. Spaces moments away from all the restaurants and entertainment that Shoreditch has to offer. The spaces are available 24/7 and users can arrive at any time within their booking period.

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